
This is a list of recents projects I have completed.

Some website I made with bootstrap, a simple and direct website.
The first website is for a moving customers, which aims for a better moving experience,
designed with a dark mode theme. Second website samples a Dog dating site, dogs need love too!

Move It

moving website moving website link Launch Website arrow

Tin Dog

The TinDog profile page The TinDog plan page Launch Website arrow

The Election Web

Website containing the Kansas
election results for various Districts.

The Camshots Site

A site for digital photography, with tips,
definitions and winners for the monthly
photography contest.

Apple Bavarian Torte

Delicious recipe for baking
Apple Bavarian Torte dessert.


Some unqiue design I made with Grid layout and Flexbox.
The Mondrian-style painting, made by Piet Mondrian is best
known for his abstract paintings made from squares and
rectangles, often styles with primary colours like;
red, yellow and blue as in this picture.
Click on picture to launch!

Tools Used

A grid illustration of mondrian art
A second grid illustration of mondrian art
picture of a pricing table

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and I will get back to you as soon as possible